Green Connect is a not-for-profit social enterprise that employs young people and former refugees to do work that helps the planet and the community.
One of our five business arms is a Fair Food Farm. It is an award-winning, 11-acre permaculture farm in Warrawong with more than 90 different fruit, vegetables and herbs as well as pigs, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and bees. Nine years ago it was 11 acres of weeds and rubbish and we have slowly transformed it into a safe, welcoming space for the young people and former refugees we train, support and employ. We sell all of the produce to the local community, mainly through a weekly veg box system.
Over the past two years, we have started opening the farm up to visitors in the form of tours and workshops. These are still in their early stages, as is our farm site, and there is huge potential to do more. We have a dream of establishing ecotourism and environmental education activities that will engage and inspire thousands of people each year, and return a small profit to keep the farm going. We need a part-time Activity Coordinator who can help turn that dream into a reality.
We are looking for someone who has a background in environmental education or similar (e.g. tourism, events or workshops); is great with people and customer service; is organised and able to stay on top of enquiries, quotes, emails, spreadsheets, budgets and the like; has good marketing skills; is a good human who is aligned to our values of earth care, people care and fair share; and who is not afraid of a challenge.
As part of a social enterprise, you will need flexibility, initiative and goodwill. You will be part of a team of passionate, authentic, brave and kind individuals who are committed to both social and environmental change for the better.
If this sounds like you, please review the full POSITION DESCRIPTION and apply below. Applications will be reviewed as they come in, interviews will happen as soon as possible, and the page will be changed to reflect that it is closed as soon as we find the person we’re looking for.
Please note that this position is:
- Part-time (22.5 hours per week)
- For an initial contract of 12 months
- Based at the Green Connect Farm in Warrawong (Wollongong NSW), although the administration work can be done from home or another location if you wish