Good for You
Everything on our farm is grown organically, so you and your family can enjoy nutrient-rich and healthy veggies and fruit.
We hand-pick produce just before delivery, so the bunch of spinach or head of lettuce you prepare on a Tuesday night was still in the ground that morning. Now that’s fresh!

Good for the People
When you buy our produce, your funds go towards creating supported employment pathways for former refugees, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and young people with barriers to employment.
Green Connect exists to train and support our staff in jobs that help the environment and the community.

Good for the Planet
All our produce is grown according to organic principles, meaning there are no synthetic chemical fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or other nasties on our farm.
We use crop rotation, rich compost, and animals to care for the soil and grow the healthiest produce possible. All our produce is delivered locally.