Autumn Farm Update

The last few months at the farm have been busy, with a big push to reclaim some very overgrown garden beds. Thanks to our new walk-behind-tractor, we have been making great progress and planting a serious amount of veg! The pigs have been delighted to help… we recently moved them into an area over-run with sweet potato and sedge and they have been in pig paradise, cleaning up and turning over the beds for us.

We commenced the tidy up and earthworks inside our main entrance in preparation for our new flower garden. This has been quite a challenge, as the site was home to a large collection of scrap metal from the pre-farm days. With the area now clear, we are getting ready to plant 17 new native trees with beautiful foliage and flowers. After these are planted, we will install irrigation and order smaller flowering shrubs and plants. We can’t wait to see them turned into beautiful bouquets!

The weekly playgroup at the farm has had a fantastic start. Recently the kids got to see and taste honeycomb strait from our hives and investigate an impressive snakeskin we found on the farm. It is so rewarding to see the children having fun and enjoying new experiences.

The chooks recently had some engagement activities installed in their run, with a swing, some mirrors and suspended food hangers to keep them busy.

Finally, with National Volunteer Week this month, we would like to give a shout out to all our farm volunteers. From boxing eggs, whipper snipping, weeding, maintaining tools and operating the excavator… we sincerely thank you and appreciate everything you do!


Emily Henderson
Green Connect Farm Manager

In your box on Tuesday 23 May 2023:

In your box on Tuesday 16 May 2023:

Note: We sometimes need to make changes to what we pack in your veg box based on the quantity or quality of produce that we can harvest and source. If you have any questions about what is in your box, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Feature Veg: Chinese Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, & Rocket

Chinese cabbage, commonly referred to as wombok or Napa cabbage, is softer and milder than the traditional green or red cabbage. Try shredding it and adding it raw to tacos, salads, bowls, or sandwiches to add crunch and depth of flavour; its sweet flavor makes it particularly delicious in coleslaw. Of course, you can cook it too! Just swap it in for any recipe that calls for green cabbage. Chinese cabbage is also the star vegetable in Korean kimchi, a delicious and healthy condiment or side dish.

Tuscan kale, also known as ‘cavolo novo’ or lacinato kale, has a milder and slightly sweeter flavour compared to regular curly leaf kale. Popular in Italian cuisine, it is delicious when used as a pizza topping, or when sautéed and added to soup, pasta or scrambled eggs. It can be eaten raw in salad or slaws, made into pesto, cooked into kale chips or blended into smoothies. If in doubt, use as you would regular kale.

Rocket, also known as arugula or roquette, is a member of the brassica family, making it a relative of broccoli, kale, bok choy, cabbage, and many others. This leafy green with a spicy and peppery bite is a popular ingredient in salads, but it can be used for much more than that! Add a handful to a cooked pasta or pizza dish for a crisp & fresh kick; Stir it into a hot risotto, soup, stew, or stir-fry just before serving, allowing it to wilt; Blend it into a dip, such as hummus or pesto; Quickly sauté it on it’s own for a side dish. For maximum freshness, wash your rocket in cold water and store it in a sealed container in your fridge or veggie crisper.


Find out what produce we grow at the farm and check out the recipes, to turn the fruit and vegetables you find in your veg box into delicious, healthy meals.

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Green Connect produce

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