• Do you know someone who is stuck at home and in need of a pick-me-up? We are hand-selecting and home-delivering care packages to Wollongong residents. Every item is chosen with care from our beautiful op shop, handled in COVIDsafe ways, and ordering one of these packages helps keep our staff employed throughout these difficult times. Good for people, the planet and your friend! Tell us what you'd like us to include in the care package and leave the rest up to us. It will be delivered to your friend's door within three business days. A little gift for someone as a sanity saver throughout the current lockdown. You can also order a care package for yourself, or donate one to someone in need. Order for a friend now:
  • Are you stuck at home and in need of a sanity saver? We are hand-picking and home-delivering care packages to Wollongong residents. Every item is chosen with care from our beautiful op shop, handled in COVIDsafe ways, and ordering one of these packages helps keep our staff employed throughout these difficult times. Good for people, the planet and you! Tell us what you’d like in your care package and leave the rest up to us. It will be delivered to your door within three business days. A little gift for yourself as a sanity saver throughout the current lockdown. You can also send a care package as a gift, or donate one to someone in need. Order now:
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