In the 2020 financial year, Green Connect:

  • Employed 144 young people and former refugees (more jobs)
  • Kept 102 tonnes of waste out of landfill (less waste)
  • Grew and distributed 35,250kg of chemical-free food (fair food)

We also won a range of awards, secured grant funding to expand what we do, started work on a new farm hub, opened a new op shop, weathered the dual storms of bushfire season and the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, and significantly increased our staffing solutions services. What a year!

Read our section of the annual report here, or for more about our broader organisation, read the full Community Resources annual report here.

As always, Green Connect is what it is because people believe in it and vote with their time, energy and money to keep it going. A huge thank you to all of our staff, volunteers, customers, funders and supporters. Together we are showing that job creation, waste reduction and a local fair food system are all possible.