Green Connect has collected information to help our staff and community. Click on the green links to get more information. Please tell us if there are other websites, videos, or documents that you would like us to include.

Please access SBS Latest News on Coronavirus for timely and reliable information in your language.

This Facebook page also has good information in many languages: NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service | Facebook.



NSW Health Covid-19 Key points – 15 September 2021


COVID-19 is causing serious Illness and death in young people:

No visitors during public health order (July 2021):

Stay at home order (July 2021):


Financial Support

COVID-19 Disaster Payment (July 2021)

COVID-19 Disaster Payment – New South Wales – Services Australia

Financial and mental health support services

Help for finances and mental health


Other Support


If you need an interpreter, call the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Free Fruit and Vegetables:

You can ask for four weeks of fruit and vegetable boxes from Green Connect. Go to

Free clothes, blankets, kitchen items, toys, books, games and more

You can ask for items from the Green Connect Op Shop and they will give them to you for free and drop them at your house. Go to


Stay Safe


Protect Yourself:

Federal Government Information on Vaccinations:

COVID-19 | Australian Government Department of Health

Is the vaccination safe?

COVID-19 vaccination – COVID-19 (What is the COVID-19 vaccine? Is it safe?) | Australian Government Department of Health

Why take the vaccination

covid-19-vaccination-why-should-i-get-the-covid-19-vaccine-why-should-i-get-the-covid-19-vaccine-karen-resource.pdf (

Useful Information on vaccination:

Editorial – Useful information on the COVID-19 vaccines – (

6 Steps to approve vaccinations

COVID-19 vaccination – (6 steps to approve a vaccine) | Australian Government Department of Health

How to book a vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination (Top questions: How can I book my COVID-19 vaccine?) | Australian Government Department of Health

Covid-19 current eligibility

Who will get the Covid19 vaccine

After your vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination –After your vaccination | Australian Government Department of Health

Pregnancy Breastfeeding and Covid-19 Vaccines



Schools Information

When you can send your child to school during a lockdown:

If your child cannot learn at home (e.g. they cannot understand their schoolwork, you are not able to help them, they do not have what they need such as good internet and a computer at home, or it is too stressful for your family) then you can send them to school. All schools are open for children who need to be there.

What to do if you don’t have a computer or internet?

Talk to your school. They have computers and internet they can give to families.


Stay Safe Advice:

How to Avoid Contracting COVID-19

Avoid large family gatherings:

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe | NSW Government

Help Stop the Spread

How to wear a mask

Mental Health

Look after your mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions 


Get Tested

Testing locations

NSW Health COVID-19 Clinics

Symptoms & Testing

Covid-19: Identifying the Symptoms

Getting Tested is Safe

Testing is Free

Testing is Simple

If your test is positive, a health worker will call you