Learning From Our Staff

Su Meh, wearing a Green Connect t-shirt, kneeling under bana grass and picking sweet potato leavesWe often say how lucky we are to have such knowledgeable farmers working at Green Connect.

Many of our senior farm hands grew up in refugee camps in Thailand after their families were forced to flee Burma. It was there that they learned to grow their own food and became accustomed to eating as much of what they grew as they could. They, and other former staff, have been critical in our success growing food on such challenging terrain. They have also taught us about eating and preparing new foods, such as sweet potato leaf.

We’ve been growing sweet potatoes to include in veg boxes since the farm began 8 years ago. The sprawling leafy vines are also an ideal ground cover around our fruit trees in summer as they keep the weeds at bay. Most farmers discard the leaves when they harvest the tubers. In the early days, we did too (though we composted them, of course). Our staff have since taught us how useful and delicious these luscious leafy greens can be!

Eating ‘root to leaf’ was essential for many of our staff before they immigrated to Australia. It’s also a wonderful way to eat more sustainably!

Sweet potato leaves are one of the few crops thriving after all the rains we’ve had recently. We hope you enjoy them in your veg box this week! Su Meh recommends stir-frying garlic, onion, mint leaves, and soy sauce, then throwing chopped sweet potato leaves in right at the end.


Lindsay Burlton
Fair Food Coordinator


In your box this week:

Grid of what we're planning on packing in veg boxes on 5-5 April 2022

Note: We sometimes need to make changes to what we pack in your veg box based on the quantity or quality of produce that we can harvest and source. This is particularly true right now as we rely on our organic suppliers while we replant after substantial crop losses from the heavy rain. If you have any questions about what is in your box, don’t hesitate to contact us at fairfood@green-connect.com.au.

Did you know?

Sweet Potato Leaves, like many dark leafy greens, are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. They are commonly used throughout Asia, Africa, Spain, and Latin America, and are often as desirable as the orange tubers that grow underground! They can be eaten raw or cooked and are a great substitute for spinach and chard. Try adding them into a mixed salad, cooking them in soups or stir-fries, incorporating them into a pesto or blending them in a green smoothie!

You can find all of our recipes here!

You can find more information about ordering a veg box here!